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Some conditions that can be called metabolic syndrome

Some conditions that can be called metabolic syndrome are:

 Sugar is a source of calories and energy for the body. Normally, the sugar consumed will be released from the blood and stored as energy. If sugar stays in the blood it will cause a condition of high blood sugar levels. Glucose in the blood will reach all body organs and systems such as the heart arteries and veins, kidneys, and nervous system. Someone with high blood sugar has a risk of several diseases such as heart attack, stroke, blindness, and amputation. High blood sugar levels often develop into type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). The risk factor for metabolic syndrome is when fasting blood sugar levels are above 110 mg / dL.

One indication of the metabolic syndrome is central obesity in the form of obesity around the stomach. Someone is diagnosed with obesity if his weight is more or equal to 20% of his ideal body weight. Obesity causes insulin resistance which is the inability to respond to insulin normally.

 High blood pressure is a condition when blood pressure in the arteries is too high. High blood pressure will damage blood vessels. If high blood pressure lasts for a long time, the blood vessels will thicken and become less flexible. This is called atherosclerosis and can affect arteries that give blood to the heart. The risk factor for metabolic syndrome is when blood pressure is more than 130/85 mmHg.

High triglyceride levels in the body can cause fat deposits in the arteries called plaques that cause oxygen-containing blood to reach the heart is difficult. High triglyceride levels of more than 150 mg / dl increase the risk of heart attack.

Cholesterol can be produced by the liver or can also come from food eaten. There are types of good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Too much bad cholesterol (triglycerides and LDL) and less good cholesterol (HDL) can increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Triglycerides and HDL levels are important indicators of the metabolic syndrome. A person who has metabolic syndrome and is not treated properly will be at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes mellitus. Some studies say that the metabolic syndrome is very closely related to individual metabolism or how the body processes food. Normally, food is absorbed by the body into the bloodstream in the form of sugar and other basic substances. When blood sugar levels increase, the pancreas releases the hormone insulin. Insulin is in the cells of the body which causes glucose to enter and be used for energy. In some people, body cells cannot respond to insulin (insulin resistance). Some studies suggest that insulin resistance can develop into metabolic syndrome.
Labels: Mesothelioma, METABOLIC SYNDROME, Syndrome

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