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Know Tourette's syndrome

Tourette's syndrome is a hereditary disorder characterized by tics simple and complex muscle and vocals that often occur throughout the day for at least one year. Tourette's syndrome is a common, affecting 1 in 100 people. It is three times more common in men than women. Which often begins in early childhood. In most people, the symptoms are so mild that the disorder is not recognized.

Tourette syndrome is a disease in which motor tic and vocalists occur several times a day and has lasted for at least 1 year, tic is a movement of consciousness that occurs outside repeatedly. Tourette's syndrome is often preceded by the tic simplex in childhood, in the form of unwanted muscle twitching and without purpose, which occurs repeatedly.

Furthermore tic simplex develops into a complex movement, including tic vocalist and respiratory paralysis suddenly. Tic voklis heard as the sound of grunting or barking.

The cause of the emergence of tourrete syndrome can not be known with certainty, experts estimate that genetic and environmental factors have an important role in this syndrome. However, many cases show that tourrete syndrome is not inherited by parents, many individuals with Tourette syndrome have symptoms of hyperactivity, depression, anxiety, impulsive behavior and other behavioral disorders. Leckman even mention that the 25/42% of adolescents with tourrete syndrome have symptoms of ADHD. While the research conducted by Yin showed that individuals with Tourette Syndrome have problems psychosocial stress. In the study of neurological, tic disorders experienced by people with tourrete syndrome is a form of dysfunction in cortical regions, sub-cortical, thalamus, basal gangla and frontal cortex. 
  • Symptom
Tourette's syndrome often begins with simple muscle tics, such as grimacing, head jerking, and blinking. Simple tics may be just a nervous habit and may disappear with time. Some tics are not required to cause Tourette's syndrome, which involves more than a simple tic. For example, people with Tourette's syndrome may move their head repeatedly from side to side, blink their eyes, open their mouths and stretch their necks.
  • Do you know
  1. Sindrom Tourette's can be so mild that can not be recognized 
  2. Most people with Tourette's syndrome does not randomly create confusion.
The disorder can develop into complex tics, including vocal tics, hitting, kicking, and jerky breathing sudden, irregular. Vocal tics can be prefixed with snoring, snorting, buzzing, or yell loudly and become kompulsiv, condemned accidentally. For reasons that are unclear and often in mid-conversation, some people with Tourette's syndrome may call out obscenities or say that feces (called coprolalia). Explosive sound that comes out is sometimes incorrectly considered accidental, especially in children. Although coprolalia is characteristic of the best known of Tourette's syndrome, at least 85% of people with Tourette's syndrome do not have coprolalia. People can also repeat words immediately after hearing them (called echolalia / talkative).

People with Tourette's syndrome often have difficulty functioning and experience considerable anxiety in social situations. In the past, they were shunned, isolated, or even considered possessed by demons. Impulsive, aggressive, and self-destructive behaviors develop in many people, and obsessive-compulsive behavior develops in about half. Children with Tourette's syndrome often have difficulty learning. Most also have attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder. Is Tourette's syndrome itself or unusual stress on living with the disorder cause these problems is not clear.

A person with children can move his head repeatedly from left to right or vice versa, blinked, opened his mouth or stretch his neck. More complex tics can include punching and kicking, sniffing, moaning and buzzing. Patients could say rude words in the middle of a conversation, for no apparent reason.
Patients can also quickly repeating words he had heard (ekolalia).


If symptoms are mild, medications may not be required.

Simple Tics: Doctors often first try clonidine or guanfacine. Clonidine, a drug used to treat high blood pressure, sometimes helps and is particularly useful in controlling anxiety and obsessive-compulsive behavior. Benzodiazepines, such as clonazepam and diazepam, can help. These drugs are mild sedative is taken by mouth.

Severe symptoms: antipsychotic drugs may be used to help suppress the tics, even though psychosis is not the cause. The lowest dose necessary to make the tics can receive the drugs used, and the dosage was reduced as tics reduced. Haloperidol, an antipsychotic drug that is most commonly used, are effective but have more side effects than other antipsychotic drugs, such as olanzapine, pimozide, and risperidone.

Side effects of antipsychotics may include symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease (parkinsonism), restlessness, muscle stiffness, involuntary muscle contractions that constantly (dystonias), weight gain, blurred vision, sleeplessness, and bored, slow thinking , Tardive dyskinesia, which consists of involuntary movements repeatedly, can develop and persist even after the drug is stopped. Can not control, arms and legs ached, tongue sticking out, and the lip folded, wrinkled, and savor. Rare but serious side effect called neuroleptic malignant syndrome consists of high fever, high blood pressure, muscle damage, and coma.

Injecting botulinum toxin into the muscles that make the tics can reduce the abnormal movements such as impulse that precedes them. Botulinum, the bacterium that causes botulism toxin, is used to paralyze muscles (and to improve wrinkles).

Deep brain stimulation is considered an experimental treatment for Tourette's syndrome, but sometimes done in specialized centers when the disorder is severe and medication is not effective. Electrodes are placed in parts of the brain thought to be involved in tics.
Labels: Medicine, Syndrome, Tourette's syndrome

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