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Cardiac Function and How it Works

  • Cardiac Function
In general, the primary function of the heart is to pump blood throughout the body and receiving it back after cleaning lungs. This means that the function of the human heart is as a tool or a blood-pumping organ in humans. At that time the heart provide sufficient blood and oxygen supplied to the entire body, as well as cleansing the body from metabolism (carbon dioxide). So as to carry out the functions of the heart collects oxygen-depleted blood from the entire body and then pumps it to the lungs, the blood in the heart by way of taking in oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. At the heart of oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the tissues pumped throughout the body.

Increasing age a person, will greatly affect the functionality of the heart itself. This means that because the heart is working continuously for human life, will affect the ability of the heart function will gradually decline. And it will be more drastic decline in heart function if there are other circumstances that affect the function of the heart itself. For example, an infection of the heart muscle or muscle membrane myocarditis or pericarditis, oxygen deprivation due to narrowing of the arteries that supply them are often referred to as coronary heart disease, increased muscle mass due to increased pressure, and so on.
  • How it Works Heart
Cardiac work through mechanisms repeated and continuous which is also known as a cardiac cycle so visually seen or known as heart rate. Through the mechanism of intermittent, heart connecting to empty the contents of the heart and to relax in order to fill with blood. In the cycle, perform a period of systolic heart that is the period when the contracts and empties its contents (blood), and the diastolic period is the period of the relaxation and filling of blood to the heart. Both porch loosen and contract simultaneously, and both chambers also loosens and contract simultaneously also to perform such a mechanism.

Heart muscle cells to contract for the purpose of pumping blood that is triggered by an action potential and spread through the muscle cell membrane. When doing contraction, heart into beating "rhythmic", this is a result of ptensi action brought about by the self's own heart. The incident was caused by a heart have a mechanism to power it creates its own to make the contraction or pumping and relaxation. The mechanism of action of electricity which cause is influenced by several types of electrolytes such as K +, Na +, and Ca ++. Therefore, when an interruption occurs in the body in the electrolyte levels will cause interference also on the mechanism of the electrical flow in the human heart.

Heart muscle generates electric current and spread to tissues around the heart and delivered through the fluids contained by the body. So that a small portion of this electrical activity reaches up to the surface of the body such as on the surface of the chest, back, upper arm or wrist, and this can be detected or recorded by using a special tool called ElectroKardioGram (ECG). So ECG function is to record the electrical activity in body fluids are stimulated by electric current heart that appears to reach the surface of the body. Various components of the ECG recordings can be correlated with specific processes in the heart. ECG can be used to diagnose abnormal heart rate, heart rhythm disorders, as well as damage to the heart muscle. This is caused by the presence of electrical activity that can trigger a mechanical activity, so that in case of abnormal electrical patterns, it usually also be accompanied by the presence of abnormal mechanical or human cardiac muscle.

Each oxygen-depleted blood and blood contains too much dirty (carbondiocsida), of the whole body flows through two large veins toward the right ventricle. This took place after the right atrium filled with blood, which in turn pushes blood into the right ventricle. Furthermore pumped through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery and leading to the lungs. Lung-rays of blood flow through a very small vessels called capillaries, and the surrounding air pockets in the lungs to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide in order to drain the blood into the pulmonary veins to the left atrium sticks. Blood circulation in the right part of the heart, lungs and the left atrium called the pulmonary circulation. When blood is in the left atrium and the left ventricle is driven towards, and next will clean the blood pumping through the valve into the aorta aurta which is the largest artery in the human body. In the oxygen-rich blood except the lungs, it is provided for the benefit of the entire human body.
Labels: Cardiac Function and How it Works, Mesothelioma

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